Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What Is The Purpose of Religion?

The purpose of religion is to answer questions that people have about life, such as how we got here, where we go after we die or why bad things happen in this world. A lot of times people feel lost in life so they go to a religion to find a path and answers to the questions they have. Also if people feel alone in life they put their trust and belief in a god so they can feel united with someone.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This I Believe

  • the name of the essay
  • the belief being discussed
  • a summary of the essay
  • why did it appeal to you?

This essay is named 'A Duty To Heal'. The belief that the Kenyan doctor, Pius Kamau, discussed was about equality and how colored people weren't accepted in America. The doctor spoke about how one day a young American man came into the hospital and was coughing blood after being in a car accident. This man didn't allow Kamau to touch him and since none of the other doctors wanted to treat him, Kamau had to communicate with the nurses to try and help the young man. It turned out he wasn't badly hurt and that day at the hospital left the Kenyan doctor wondering what he could've possibly done to make their encounter better. I really liked this essay because the recording says 'He doesn't know the date but he picked September 1st, 1941 because he said it sounded like a good day.' I think that even though Kamau had no idea what the date was he still went on with his story, just like after the encounter with that racist, white man he still continued as a doctor and didn't give up just because of one bad visit with one person.

Domiknow :)

  • I learn best when...
  • I need to...
  • The strategies that would help me in my learning...
  • I would like my teachers to know this about me...

According to my profile, I learn best when focusing on the whole picture and I also learn better when when using visual and auditory tools.

I need to always make sure I have a clean workspace and my work is neat so I can improve on using both sides of my brain, I need to make sure I don't stress myself easily so I can continue to listen and understand class easily.

To improve on my learning, I need to start using linear aspects of life and learning. I also need to have and integrative balance of art, music, movement and interpersonal.

I would like my teachers to know that even if I don't need to it would be best to place me in the centre of the front of class so I can use my dominant ear and eye.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Summary of Hercules Story

Hercules is the son of Zeus. Because of his strength Zeus got him three teachers. One day Hercules was walking in the forest and met Virtue and Vice, they needed to know whether Hercules wanted an easy, laid back life or a hard, heroic one. He chose the hard one. Once he got home he was trying to remember a tune that he had heard that day in the forest but his music teacher interrupted him. Hercules was very mad because of that and he almost killed his teacher.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Greek Mythology

Which story did you enjoy most and why?

I would have to say I like Daedalus and Icarus more compared to Theseus and The Minotaur. I like the story about Daedalus more because he was so sad about Icarus dying it made the story really touching. I also like it because of the creativity of Daedalus and how he got the ant to lead the gold thread through the shell. One of Daedalus' best times I think is when he figured out how to fly away from King Minos' grasp and he did it even if it lead to his son's death.

Was it the characters of the story you enjoyed?

I enjoyed the movie because of the characters but more because of the storyline. The story was sad and this kept me interested. The characters are interesting because they seem real even though it is a myth.

What do the themes have in common?

Both stories are about the interaction between two people. I liked the relationships. However, the theme I did not like is that the stories both ended in death for most of the characters.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Poem :D

Who is persistent, crazy, funny, honest and kind
Who is sister of Zarina and Robert John
Who loves Justin Bieber, basketball and twizzlers
Who feels happy but confused
Who needs nothing
Who gives love to her friends and all of her family
Who fears spiders and the loss of her loved ones
Who would like to see Justin Bieber
Who shares love, friendship and food :P
Who is a crazy person that likes Justin Bieber
Who is a resident Kuala Lumpur
Suggested Bio-Poem Form
Line 1: Your first name
Line 2: Who is..(Descriptive words that describe you)
Line 3: Who is brother or sister of...
Line 4: Who loves...(three ideas or people)
Line 5: Who feels...(three ideas )
Line 6: Who needs...(three ideas)
Line 7: Who gives...(three ideas)
Line 8: Who fears...(three ideas)
Line 9: Who would like to see...
Line 10: Who shares...
Line 11: Who is...
Line 12: Who is a resident of...
Line 13: Your last name

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The End of The Road

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.
I think that I am most proud of our final tic-tac-toe project specifically the imovie. Our other two projects were a 'Religion Rap'-in our case a song-and a diary. I really like the imovie because it shows our best result of group effort. Mao was working on the amazingly long diary of two roman girls, so Victor and I worked worked on the other two projects. Our song wasn't much of a group collaboration because I wrote the first half and Victor wrote the second half so we didn't help each other. I am proud of our imovie because Victor and I worked on it no matter how little time we had left and also despite the fact that Mao was sick almost all of a week. Victor and I worked on the script and the minimum of 25 pictures we had to find. Overall I am proud of this project because it is one of the best situations of when I collaborated constructively.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
I think that one of my biggest challenges in Grade 6 were writing the Ancient Egyptian Diary. I had a hard time because my person being a soldier caused me to have a hard time including everything that was required. It was also hard because my diaries were quite short and I wanted them to be longer so I struggled to include more detail and content. That was one of my largest problems in humanities this year.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
This year in humanities I learned a lot about myself and the fist one that comes to mind is that I that my favored side of my brain is the gestalt side. I think this was an important thing to learn because it shows that I am more creative than organized and I like that and I think it is a good quality and I am proud of having it.

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category (and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Could be improved

Perfect - the model student

Explanation: I think my behavior could be improved because I am not yet a model student but more or less satisfactory. Then again everyone's behavior could be improved.

b) Participation

Actively participate in class

Explanation: I think that I am an active participator because my hand is almost always raised and most of the time not for inappropriate subjects. I also think I have improved a lot in my question asking because they have gone to very simple questions like 'I don't really get that, can you explain it?' to more complexed questions that specify what exactly I don't understand.

c) Organization

Needs serious help
I'm super organized

d) Effort

Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to try to always check over and edit my work. That is not only important in humanities but also in other classes because whenever you have a test you make silly mistakes and get made at yourself for making silly errors when you could have gotten an A+.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to try and include as many details as possible in all of my writing.

6. Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
There isn't much except the fact that I do like to have work that we get to make not just type on the computer. Overall there really isn't much else.

7. What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it?

I'd say this year in humanities, one of my favorite activities was the Ancient Mesopotamia mobile. It was fun because I got to use my hands and create it. I also liked it because it was an interesting project and taught me a lot about Mesopotamia

8. What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on?
I really would of liked more time on our last Tic-Tac-Toe project because we were extremely rushed finding pictures and finishing the imovie.

9. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
  • Always do your work on time.
  • Don't chat in class because it really puts you behind.
  • Always listen to your teachers because what they are saying is important.
  • Make sure Literature Circles are towards the top of your priority list because they can really bring down your grade.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Books, Books and Books

Title: Kick Authors: Walter Dean Myers and Ross Workman

1. This book made me think about ...
This book made me think about a lot of things but mainly genuine kindness of different people. I thought about this because Sergeant Brown decided to help Kevin by clearing up things with other police after Kevin had committed a crime. Kevin was also very nice because he helped his friend when she was depressed even if it was illegal. The authors of this book is Walter Dean Myers and Ross Workman. The book started when Workman sent an e-mail to Myers saying how much he loved his writing. Then Myers sent back an e-mail giving Workman a chance to write a book with him. So Myers wrote chapters in the point of view as Sergeant Brown and Ross did as Kevin. I think this was an extreme act of kindness and from the acknowledgements Ross seemed super happy. The other thing I thought about was how lucky I am because in the book, Kevin's dad is dead, so that reminds me how happy I am with my dad. I could also tell that Kevin's lifestyle is a lot different from mine maybe because he lost his father or other things. Overall those were the two main things I thought about when reading this book.

2. This book challenged me as a reader by ...
This book challenged me because the book was changing perspectives between Sergeant Brown and Kevin. At first I didn't realize so I was very confused at why Kevin started to have very different opinions. Also at the beginning of the book there was so many new people added into the story and I didn't know if I was supposed to remember them from earlier or if they had just started in the book. Those were the most challenging things for me in 'Kick'.

3. Don't read this book if ...
There isn't very many things in this book that could upset someone because it is a really good book but if you don't like the idea of the loss of your dad or crime investigations I wouldn't read it. In conclusion I really like this book and I hope you do to.

Monday, March 28, 2011

White Mountains-Chapter 4

"The bitter thing was all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being Capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" (p. 111)

In White Mountains freedom is a really important thing-since the whole novel is based on the subject of freedom. 'It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady.' I think this sentence shows the difference between child and adult and it shows the great distinction between them. In the particular case of White Mountains, a child is more 'free' than an adult because a child's mind is free, where a adult's mind is capped and held back forever. Since children are free, they have the the privilege and ability to travel to the White Mountains in order to be free forever.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

White Mountains~Chapter 6

1. How were the Tripods able to control the people?

2. Find evidence (quotations from the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable living at the castle, he is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped.

3. Find evidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped.

Before the book even started, there was gargantuan cities that held thousands and thousands of people, these cities and the people in them were going through what you might call the black age. In this black age, there was famine, murdering, sickness and many other despicable things going around. Because of the food shortage everyone was fighting and scrambling over food, by this the tripods were able to take advantage of these people and take over. When the tripods passed through these massive cities, they trampled on many people shortening the population by many, and fixing the food and other problems. Even though there are thought to be saviors for saving people, but really they weren't. I think this because while they fixed a lot of problems, they killed thousands of people while they were at it. After they took over they were able to keep rule by capping people, so they were able to control people's minds. There is still one place they haven't taken over, THE WHITE MOUNTAINS.

As the question says, Will is comfortable at the castle, but is annoyed and frustrated about the royal family being capped at the same time. When Will found out that Eloise was capped he said, 'My feelings about Eloise herself were also jumbled and uncertain.' Will is confused, mad small of and overwhelmed at the same time, it was new to him that Eloise was capped, he was confused because he had said 'Being stature, I had the habit of assuming that anyone older than myself must be taller, and she was an inch or two shorter than I.' He was confused because he had assumed that 'anyone older that myself must be taller'

Monday, March 7, 2011

White Mountains-How Is Will Just Like Me?

How Is Will Just Like Me?

Will is just like me in many ways. He has a sense of curiosity. 'There are questions in my mind.' This is one of the first statements Will produces when talking to Ozymandias in a safe, unseen and unheard place. By this you can tell that Will is filled up with questions and has no way to find an answer. I am like Will in that way because I am very curious. For example when Mr.Sheflin is explaining a new concept in Math I will think out of the box to find questions that will be extremely useful for a test.

I am also like will in the way that he doesn't want to be held back or caged in. While Will really doesn't want to be capped he still has too. And when there is a rule or assignment that I think is stupid I will probably wait until last minute to complete or I will break the rule. In that sense, we are both sort of rebels because not being capped is definitely against the tripod's law and still Will wishes to do so, and breaking rules is also definitely against the rules.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pharaoh imovie Reflection

Evaluate your iMovie in regards to the given rubric. In addition, reflect on the collaborative production of your movie; what worked and what didn't?

This post will include a peer reflection in regards to the rubric, MLA citation, and personal specific opinion of someone not associated in the creation of your movie.
Shivank and Jung Hun's imovie

I think that there imovie had good info, but Rosee and I did King Tut as well as them. Some of our information was quite different. For example they said King Tut was killed at 19 and was assassinated, and we said that he died at 18 from brain disease and other medical problems.

They had very entertaining videos. They explained the assassination of King Tut-if he was assassinated. It was quite amusing and made everyone laugh. There videos explained most things about the assassination. I learned that the prime minister killed Tut because if the Pharaoh died the Prime Minister would take charge.

One problem was that they did not have any MLA citations in their video. Their imovie had some mumble and inappropriate pauses but overall I think they did pretty good. I would give them a 9/10.

Monday, January 24, 2011

City Connections Reflections

1) What did you do well on the project?
I think that I did my facts well. I knew the historical factors quite well and explained them properly. I also knew the tourist attractions at Marina Bay and could explain things about Pulau Ubin well because I have been there many times.

2) What would you improve for future presentations/projects?
I think I could improve on looking around the room more and making eye contact. I also think I could have found a few more environmental factors and put more info about the factors I already had.

3) What did you learn from your preparation in addition to the presentations of others?
I learnt that a lot people have different styles of making power points and presenting them. Some people always have their eyes glued to the screen while presenting but they have really good information whereas other people have amazing presenting skills but their information could be better and more interesting info.

4) What did you learn from the city presentations of others?
I learned that the population of Ueda-Mao's presentation-is less than 1,000,000 people. I also learned that Melbourne female to male ratio is 50-50. One of the main rivers in Soul, Korea is called the Han River. Guam has a population a little over 1,000. And much more!

5) How did you meet each of the requirements on the rubric?
I couldn't find the rubric on my google docs. I don't think it got shared with me for some reason.

6) What is your analysis of your performance?
I think that I had good info but my power point was a bit short. I could have made my project more enjoyable for my peers like Dylan and Ayaka because they had little prizes to give away. Overall I still think my slide show was pretty good.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Learner Profiles

1. I learn best when......

2. I need to .....

3. The strategies that would help me in my learning....

4. I would like my teachers to know this about me.....

I learn best when I am alone and when I am not under stress. If I am under stress I will most likely shut down and not be able to work. If even under a little bit of stress I will only use my preferred brain side-gestalt side-and completely not use the left side of my brain. If I am alone, there is no distractions. If there is something-a noise or movement-going on around me I will have to figure out what the sound is and where it is coming from. I am also a good learner when I am moving or even tilting my chair. This makes me a profile L and a kinesthetic learner.

I need to be relaxed when I work and to have a clean work space. If I am not relaxed I will not want to work and will try to get as far away to what's bothering me as possible, because then I will be able to concentrate better when I am not thinking about what is bothering me. If my desk is crowded or messy, I will not be as concentrated on my work-or what I am doing. I always need a clear place to put down my sheet of paper or I will not want to work.

Strategies that help me in learning is a break every once in a while so I can stretch and get my mind of work then start again. Something like a stress ball will help me because it gives me a way to move around and not dangerously tilt my chair or walk around and distract people. So I think that would be a good alternative.

Something I would like my teachers to know about me is that when I go to the bathroom about once a class I am just having a break so I can start fresh again and have new ideas to add to m work.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year's Resolutions!

My first New Year's resolution is to be less disruptive in all my classes. I think that I have a lot more listening to do and a whole lot of improving space. In band I need to stop talking and/or playing my instrument while Mr.Housego or another member of the band is talking. In Math and Science I just need to concentrate on not talking when we are doing work and stop blurting out. In Humanities I need to work on not talking to my neighbor when Mr.Fischer is talking and not saying inappropriate things in the middle of class. These things I think are important because if I do not improve I will get a bad work habit grade and not a very good comment in my report card.

My second resolution is to not eat candy and not drink any soft drinks.  This is important because I would like to become more fit and hopefully lose some weight. My dad also made a deal with me. If I don't have any candy or pop for the rest of the school year excluding birthday parties, then he will buy me a reward. If I complete the challenge I will get a new basketball, bball shoes, jerseys and shorts.

On Christmas Eve my family went over to our friend's house for dinner. We had ham and kumara. Mom and dad stayed back to talk with the aunties (our friends) a bit longer and Zarina, Robert John and I returned home. Mom and dad took forever to arrive home. Robert John wanted to get us to bed so he said "I will let you open one present, but then you have to go straight to bed" So Zarina and I opened a present, brushed our teeth and jumped into bed. The second we got under our covers the door knob turned and mom and dad pranced in. Even after our deal with Robert John we hopped out of bed to see our parents. Dad had agreed to let us open all our presents on Christmas Eve so I was so excited to see my presents. When I started begging to start opening presents, mom stated that we wouldn't be opening any presents tonight. Then she walked into her room. She came back with her hands behind her back. When she arrived back into the living room she placed three Apple boxes in our hands. We had just received fourth generation ipod touches!

One thing you probably don't know about me is that my brother and I do a lot of insane things to my sister. When my family was flying back to Canada, my siblings and I traveled in economy while our parents were in business class, so they didn't see anything we did.  When our meals came we got baked beans, eggs and sausages. The sausages were airplane food so of course they were oily and felt like rubber. Because of these traits Robert John and I didn't want to eat ours, so we decided to cook up an evil plan against Zarina. '1, 2, 3' Robert John yelled, and suddenly the sausages went flying through the air and were instantaneously rubbing against Zarina's cheeks.