Monday, March 7, 2011

White Mountains-How Is Will Just Like Me?

How Is Will Just Like Me?

Will is just like me in many ways. He has a sense of curiosity. 'There are questions in my mind.' This is one of the first statements Will produces when talking to Ozymandias in a safe, unseen and unheard place. By this you can tell that Will is filled up with questions and has no way to find an answer. I am like Will in that way because I am very curious. For example when Mr.Sheflin is explaining a new concept in Math I will think out of the box to find questions that will be extremely useful for a test.

I am also like will in the way that he doesn't want to be held back or caged in. While Will really doesn't want to be capped he still has too. And when there is a rule or assignment that I think is stupid I will probably wait until last minute to complete or I will break the rule. In that sense, we are both sort of rebels because not being capped is definitely against the tripod's law and still Will wishes to do so, and breaking rules is also definitely against the rules.

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