Thursday, November 17, 2011

This I Believe

  • the name of the essay
  • the belief being discussed
  • a summary of the essay
  • why did it appeal to you?

This essay is named 'A Duty To Heal'. The belief that the Kenyan doctor, Pius Kamau, discussed was about equality and how colored people weren't accepted in America. The doctor spoke about how one day a young American man came into the hospital and was coughing blood after being in a car accident. This man didn't allow Kamau to touch him and since none of the other doctors wanted to treat him, Kamau had to communicate with the nurses to try and help the young man. It turned out he wasn't badly hurt and that day at the hospital left the Kenyan doctor wondering what he could've possibly done to make their encounter better. I really liked this essay because the recording says 'He doesn't know the date but he picked September 1st, 1941 because he said it sounded like a good day.' I think that even though Kamau had no idea what the date was he still went on with his story, just like after the encounter with that racist, white man he still continued as a doctor and didn't give up just because of one bad visit with one person.

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