Monday, February 20, 2012

Germany 1918-1933

I believe that the creation of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 was one of the factors that helped Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rise to power. This was vital because so many of the German Citizens despised the treaty because it was putting them in debt, and since Hitler claimed he would expel that law he won many votes that way. The other event that helped the Nazis start leading Germany was the Reichstag  Fire in 1933 because Hitler blamed the communists and due to the fact so many people believed him he also won the votes that the communists had. I think these were the two events that helped Hitler gain power the most.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the two reasons you chose were pretty important reasons I think that you were quite specific with your reasons. Also you were very descriptive I think you did very well and I enjoyed your story!
