Monday, September 13, 2010

COURAGE-When I Got The Stiches! (in my knee)

From my point of view there is so many ways of defining courage, from trying a new after school activity to going on the scariest ride in Universal Studios or Disney Land. But the story I am about to tell show one of the many ways to define courage and it starts like this.

Auntie Lynn, Mom and I were hot and sweaty while walking up a hill to find my sister Zarina waiting a the top. She had just been to a friend's birthday party and was waiting for us to pick her up. When we finally got to the top we called a taxi to take us home but they person at the other end of the line told us it would take 10 minutes so Auntie Lynn and I decided to go to the big street at the bottom of the hill and flag down a cab ourselves.

Does everyone here like swinging around and around poles? I think you do. So there was a pole and a drain simple as that. I was getting bored so of waiting for a taxi so  I decided to swing around the pole. So there I was swinging around that 360 degree pole getting closer and closer to the drain that was obviously oblivious to me and my eyes. So down I went into that pole that was a meter deep

At that time Auntie Lynn was trying to get Zarina and Mom down to the bottom of the hill because she got a taxi. So then she turned around and couldn't see me. That caused me to start screaming her name. So finally she found me in the bottom of a drain and started helping me out. Then she realized that I had a massive bleeding cut on my knee. So she started shouting for Mom and Zarina to get down here. So we all got in the taxi. "Uncle, could we please go to Raffles Hospital". So he started driving.

When we got there we headed straight to emergency because Mom insisted we needed to get it stitched up. So I got in a wheel chair and they wheeled me to a room where they could x-ray my leg to see if my leg was broken of not. Thankfully it wasn't. So they said I only had to get stitches. But Auntie Lynn, Mom and Zarina were freaking out anyways. So in and out the thread and needle went 5 times leaving me with my knee closed but still healing. A few weeks later I got the thread taken out.

I think I showed courage because I was in second grade and was only seven. Because I was young I think I needed to be extra courageous to be able to go through many stitches and not cry.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What do the artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?

The paintings that were found in caves and are still being found were painted by early humans and the paintings could have meant many things such as a good hunting spot, the shapes or animals could of had a special meaning in rituals, or it could have just plain been someone painting that an artist. But there are also sculptures and other 3D artifacts like spear throwers or painting tools that may have a carving of animals on it.

To understand the art of early humans we need to know how the made it, how they created it. So I will tell you, they used rocks to grind colored minerals into powder so then you can mix the powder in with vegetable oil or animal fat. Then for painting the early humans would use moss, fur or human hair. The early humans  may have blown paint through hollow bird bones to create soft textures for a painting of a horse to create softer texture for it coat of fur.

My favorite cave painting in the humanities textbook is a painting that was found in Argentina. It shows a small picture (symbol) that is a big circle with smaller circles in it forming a pattern, possibly a target . There is a spiky, red line. There is also several small hand prints either children's hand prints or the hand prints of adults because research shows that prehistoric people were much smaller than people today. There is also several blue blobs which I think looks like a pack of whales. Many scientists believe that hand prints were the way and artist signed his or her painting. It is also thought that geometric shapes had a special meaning in certain rituals. Some researchers tried singing in areas that were painted and discovered that when singing in those areas your voice was quite loud. They guessed those areas were used for special gatherings.